Le Jour des peintres

Musée d'Orsay, Paris
September 19th - September 19th 2024


Orchestrated by Thomas Lévy-Lasne, the event will bring together eighty contemporary painters, including artist Marion Bataillard.

This one-day gathering, an unprecedented performance, will testify to the vitality of the French scene, still too little known by the general public. This exceptional presentation will highlight several generations of artists, the gradual feminization of the profession and the great stylistic variety of approaches. Each artist will occupy a chosen position in the nave, next to his or her own painting, in an interstice of the hanging, echoing the Musée d’Orsay collections, an indisputable reference and inexhaustible source of inspiration for them. A rare highlight: in addition to an unprecedented panorama of current pictorial creation, visitors will have the opportunity to talk to the painters about their work, their career and their intentions.

> September 19th, 2024
> From 2 to 9:30
> Nave of the Musée d’Orsay