L’ahah is continuing its cycle of offering blank cards to the artists it supports. As such, it is entrusting the keys to its #Griset space to Jean-françois Leroy, who has previously had two solo shows there in 2019 (Tout vient d’un plan and Oh my mind my body’s thinking) and will now propose a very personal collective exhibition.
As someone who is very interested in artist-run spaces and art education, Jean-françois Leroy is one of those many artists for whom curating is a privileged opportunity for artistic dialogue with his peers, those who nourish his practice and thoughts. Therefore, it appeared essential to L’ahah to allow him to realize a new project of a collective exhibition.
Bringing together his latest works with those of France Valliccioni and Jacques Julien, Jean-françois Leroy will revisit the white cube of the Griset city that he knows well…