Gözde Ilkin in Abu Dhabi

NYUAD Art Gallery, Abu Dhabi
February 22th - June 09th 2024


In Real Time

Nujoom Alghanem | Moza Almatrooshi | Rana Begum | Chaffa Ghaddar | Ramin Haerizadeh, Rokni Haerizadeh, and Hesam Rahmanian, with Julie Becton Gillum and Kiori Kawai | Sol LeWitt | Cristiana de Marchi | Haleh Redjaian

Februay 22–June 9, 2024
Gözde Ilkin is presenting the Entrusted Ground exhibition artworks, and a new 40-minutes performance.

« This is an exhibition about visiting and revisiting, about being physically present in the space, with the traces left by artists who have been there, or hints of those who will be there. Watch for updates, here and elsewhere.

This exhibition emerged as a response to a sense of urgency around the real-time changes we are experiencing today. Perhaps art can offer something different from the news, from the scroll, and yet not distract us or make us forget. Artists have been invited, on very short notice. Some were unable to. Those who said yes are preparing work, or preparing to prepare work. As the show evolves, and history unfolds around us, my readings of the artworks themselves are changing. […] »

– Extract from the exhibition text, by curator Maya Allison.